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Poker Face 

click to enlarge SIXTH SENSE? Charlie Cale (Natasha Lyonne) has a very special power—she can tell when people are lying, which makes her a heck of a detective—in Poker Face, streaming on Peacock. - PHOTO COURTESY OF PEACOCK
  • Photo Courtesy Of Peacock
  • SIXTH SENSE? Charlie Cale (Natasha Lyonne) has a very special power—she can tell when people are lying, which makes her a heck of a detective—in Poker Face, streaming on Peacock.

What's it rated? TV-MA

When? 2023

Where's it showing? Peacock


The concept is no stranger—a human lie detector uses her powers to right wrongs. I think of the show Lie to Me from 2009 about the guy who read and analyzed micro expressions. We don't know where Charlie's (Natasha Lyonne) gift comes from exactly—she just knows when people are lying, and it has gotten her in and out of heaps of trouble. She's on the run, and every episode follows a new plot point as she moves around. She's like a white trash Columbo bumbling her way through another mystery.

She's a merch girl for a punk band whose drummer mysteriously dies on stage, a casino cocktail waitress whose coworker turns up dead, a dinner theater waitress who winds up with a dead actor onstage—Charlie has seen it all. Much like Angela Lansbury's Jessica Fletcher in Murder, She Wrote, Charlie just can't seem to keep away from death for too long.

Lyonne is always stellar, and this role is no exception. Charlie is sarcastic and funny and clever like a fox, but also vaguely low-rent trashy with zero ambition. This series deals with the heavy topic of death a lot, but it doesn't take itself too seriously. I'm going all-in on season two! (10 58-min. episodes) ∆


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