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Rallying for America 

At breakfast I read with interest a letter to the editor in the Sun. Entitled "Rallying for President Trump" (Dec. 22), it made an enthusiastic case for continuing to fully support him. The unflinchingly ardent argument by the writer was more bracing than two cups of my morning java.

The public airing of all types of political beliefs is a fundamental strength of America. To further inform discussions, we now have the report of the Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the United States Capitol. This bipartisan effort drew largely on testimony and documents from Trump backers and officials he himself had appointed.

The writer blames "paid rogue infiltrators" for the violence at the Capitol. Now, it should be clear to all that when President Trump exhorted his followers to "Be There. Will Be Wild!" and then welcomed those who were armed with weapons, he was not acting in the public interest, but in his own. And, of course, with a measure of satisfaction, he watched the brutality, mayhem, and desecration continue for more than three hours before asking his supporters to step back.

A sign of responsible citizenship is the willingness to re-assess one's position based on new information. Fortunately, there is now the select committee's report.

Seth Steiner

Los Alamos

Readers Poll

Do you think that off-roading should be allowed at the dunes? 

  • Yes! It brings in millions in revenue a year.
  • No! There are too many environmental impacts.
  • Maybe—if we don't destroy the dunes in the process.
  • I don't go enough to the dunes to care.

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