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Cougars & Mustangs 

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In case you haven’t noticed, rain has returned to the Central Coast and engulfed it beauteously. While I haven’t yet heard of any power outages, it has probably already happened somewhere, and will undoubtedly happen again soon. This is the perfect time, then, to discuss the Computer and Electrical Showcase, one of many major attractions at Cal Poly Open House on Saturday, April 12.

There are a great many reasons to visit Cal Poly Open House, one of the most popular being getting a taste for yourself of how talented its students are. For this showcase, you can sample various brainchilds of the computer engineering, computer science, software engineering, and electrical engineering departments. Would it be hyperbole to say we might find the next Heinz Doofenshmirtz here? Well, given that there’s a robot fight on the schedule, I wouldn’t be too surprised! But we can hope these students will find a bit more success than the good doctor.

Various student clubs will be hosting games and activities for attendees which are sure to entertain, as well as help begin discussions about possibly taking technical majors. The showcase, which runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., is split into two main events, with various activities occurring during both. From 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., ViaSat Scribblecraft, which has nothing to do with Scribblenauts, challenges programmers to send their faithful robot companions into a maze and obstacle course to see whose robot can complete the course in the fastest time. From 1 to 3 p.m., Roborodentia pits robot against robot in a fast-paced tourney, which, while it doesn’t involve laser beams, will nonetheless be sure to please. In this year’s Roborodentia, the object is to roll golf balls into the opponent’s goal, perhaps like Foosball.

All throughout the entire showcase, however, other activities are available. Creating light-up name badges, playing computer games, making one’s own robot toy to take home, and if you’re still disappointed by what will probably be a lack of a laser beams in the robot tournament, you can get your kicks popping balloons with one. There. Happy? Most importantly, however, you can see the creativity and hard work these students have put in, and interact with both them and their faculty. Begin a discussion about what you see, and what you might like to know if you think maybe one of these majors might work for you!

Intern Chris White-Sanborn is vulnerable, he’s vulnerable, he is not a robot. Send your collegiate news to [email protected].

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