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Please actually review the movie you're reviewing 

I sincerely hope that inviting Archie McLaren to expound at length about himself under the pretense of contributing to a movie review about racing was an ill-thought anomaly that won’t happen again (“Frenemies,” Oct. 10). I really don’t care a whit whether Msr. McLaren has met Niki Lauda, what it cost to service his Ferrari in 1968, or his preferred libation. I do care about reading a review about a film that deals with car racing, a sport I’ve enjoyed in times past as an amateur participant and current spectator.

I don’t know whether Steve Miller would know the difference between a Lola T70 and a McLaren M6B or heard of Lothar Motschenbacher. He does, however, write an articulate and focused movie review with just the right leavening of ego. The movie Rush sounds like it’s worth seeing, thanks to Glen Starkey who did stay on topic and actually reviewed the movie.

-- Anthony Skelton - Cambria

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