• Issue of
  • Apr 8-15, 2010
  • Vol. 24, No. 36


  • Old gas haunts county
  • Old gas haunts county

    Talks between Southern California Gas Company and SLO County are at an impasse, with ratepayers on the hook
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  • Let's talk about sex(ting)
  • Let's talk about sex(ting)

    Law enforcement agents and teen groups are reporting an increase in pornographic messages and photos sent via cell phone
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Food & Drink

  • From farm to table
  • Flavor
  • From farm to table

    Joe and Debbie Thomas with their wonderfully talented chef Julie Simon have created one of the very finest wine-country restaurants
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Music, Arts & Culture

  • Weird things
  • Arts
  • Weird things

    Civic Ballet goes minimal, and experimental, at the SLO Little Theatre
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