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Vote no on vector-control tax 


I don’t like the way the Board of Supervisors is trying to slide the new vector-control-district tax past property owners. They want to make a new assessment district where all parcels will be taxed, including county, city, and state parcels; school districts; and property owned by nonprofits (churches, private schools, the Elks, and other such organizations).

I don’t like the way the supervisors have given us very little real information in their brochure and none from the opposition. Moreover, they tell us we have to make sure we get a ballot but don’t indicate who might not have gotten a ballot. And we would pay for our city and school district parcels.
Furthermore, the Board of Supervisors will use our tax money to pay for the county’s parcels, but we didn’t get a chance to agree to that. If the tax passes, $1.1 million will give us another bureaucracy with six new employees, office space, equipment, and vehicles, but only one third of the assessment will be used for surveillance efforts, which include testing mosquitoes for West Nile, and educational programs. Annually there could be an automatic 3 percent raise in the assessment.

I agree with The Tribune in their editorial concerning the vector tax: This is a horrible time to seek approval of a new tax. We already have money in our general fund for vector control. Property owners: vote NO. If you lost your ballot, or did not receive a ballot, request one by calling 781-5544.

Readers Poll

How do you feel about the Santa Maria Speedway reopening? 

  • I'm so excited and can't wait to go this summer!
  • It's great that local racers will return to the Central Coast track.
  • I'll feel better once I see it last a few more years.
  • Ugh. I can already hear the noise and see the traffic.

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