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Ted Nugent deserves no listeners 

I must admit I was a bit surprised when I heard the news that obnoxious loudmouth Ted Nugent was coming to play at the Vina Robles concert venue up there in Paso Robles. Have the powers that be forgotten so quickly about the public relations disaster that followed Nugent’s gutless, hateful appearance at the Mid-State Fair a few years ago?

It seems like only yesterday that country music fans were driving steamrollers over their Dixie Chicks CDs and burning their tickets in protest after one brief, innocuous, mostly humorous statement by the girls about the failures of the Bush presidency. Yet this profane and cowardly windbag still finds an audience (apparently) to consume an endless stream of vile, treasonous threats directed at democratically elected political leaders with whom he disagrees?

One can only hope that music fans will stay away from this oncoming train wreck in droves, leaving Ted alone to shout at the oak trees and breeze, which is the audience he deserves.

-- Jim Mallon - San Luis Obispo

-- Jim Mallon - San Luis Obispo

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