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Thanks Plains, I now drive an electric car 

I want to thank David Georgi for his May 28 commentary in New Times (“Crude protection”) and for providing information on for protecting our Pacific Coast from oil drilling and fracking. In addition to joining forces with environmental protection groups, this is my personal way of fighting back:

Like many working or retired Americans who are on a budget, I wanted to buy an electric car but questioned if I could afford it. I want to thank Plains All American oil company for giving me that extra push to buy an electric car. After seeing so many pelicans, otters, whales, dolphins, and many more shorebirds drenched in oil and dying from that toxic product, I refuse to give the stinking oil industry another single penny of my hard-earned money for gas. I discovered that electric cars are reasonably affordable. There are at least eight electric cars for available for under $25,000. And the tax breaks are incredible. Moreover, instead of paying $360 dollars a month for gas, that money is applied to the monthly payments for my new electric car. 

But here’s the best part: I never have to stop or look at another gas station again for the rest of my life! 

-- Jackie Marcus - Los Osos

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