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Proud member of the 'eco group-think' movement 

Mark Henry's viewpoint is based on assumptions that are wildly off base ("Mathematical conundrum," Aug. 17).

For starters, nukes don't produce power 24/7 because they must be refueled and also have shutdowns for maintenance, repairs, and emergency "events." Of California's original five nuclear plants, only Diablo Canyon is still running, but it's scheduled to shut down by 2025 for economic reasons.

Furthermore, to build six nukes for $55 billion is blue sky dreaming. Notorious for cost overruns, nukes built today are costing $20 billion or more. Plus, there are huge additional costs for decommissioning, long-term storage of deadly nuclear wastes, security against sabotage and terrorism, and enormous potential losses due to large releases of radioactivity. Henry fails to mention any of this. Nukes are expensive and dangerous.

Contrary to Henry's contention, solar power is a good investment for the people and the environment. Moreover, unlike nuclear plants, solar power systems are getting cheaper by the day.

My own residential solar power system has returned about 5 percent per year for the last 15 years, and I plan to install another one, which will return more than 10 percent.

I am proud to join the "eco group-think" movement but do agree with Henry's last statement. We were stupid to elect our current president.

Fred Frank


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