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Love comes in many forms 

Paso Robles

Regarding Sjany DeGroot’s letter (“To those who love my children,” Feb. 23):

I am glad for the babies in your care that so many people help you. I am concerned, however, that someone who has had an abortion for fetal anomalies might find your letter very hurtful. Your implication that abortions are done for fetal indications merely to save money is inaccurate and insensitive.

If you were pregnant and had a prenatal diagnosis of something terribly wrong with the pregnancy, you would probably give a lot of thought to what quality of life your baby would have. Possibly after deep reflection your conscience would lead you to carry the pregnancy and do your best for your baby after birth.

The parents who have abortions for fetal anomalies also reflect deeply, struggle with the ethical issues, consult their consciences, and come to the best decision they can for their families and their unique circumstances. It has nothing to do with not wanting “imperfect babies.” Those parents consider what quality of life their baby would have, possibly needing multiple surgeries or having to spend that life in a nursing home. They decide that it wouldn’t be worth it for the baby’s sake. From their point of view, it is a heartbreaking but more loving decision to spare their baby a lifetime of suffering and not to bring that baby into the world.

Give them some credit. They are loving parents, agonizing and struggling to do the right thing. You may disagree strongly with them, but that doesn’t make them like Hitler.

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