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Go get 'em, Dan DeVaul 

San Luis Obispo

I know there are many different types of people in San Luis Obispo, but if the Board of Supervisors represents a majority including the people on the hill by the DeVaul ranch, then the rest of us are enemies of the proper way to live in a town. I am so happy Dan DeVaul is suing the county. Now, I’m originally from the South and having lived here six years love a lot about this place. Yet if I told people in the South about the rules of the land in San Luis Obispo, they would laugh out loud on their porch swings with their sweet tea.
You have to get a permit here to walk out your front door on Tuesdays. The people who settled these parts back in the day were not worried about who had what carriage on their property; I think they were proud to live here and celebrate each other. When I drive on Los Osos Valley Road I can see the mountains just fine. Let’s be real here: Who is scarier, the homeless person in the night you walk by near the liquor store or the homeless person trying to find some peace in a shelter with folks who care?

The people making up the rules around here must have really fun lives keeping everything in neat order while forgetting about the joy and sorrow and messiness of being human. We all have problems, rich or poor, and we all need a home.

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