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Fog is our friend 

While weatherman Dave Hovde was often grossly inaccurate with the predicted flooding from El Niño 2015-2016, I understand that weather forecasting is an inaccurate science. However, now that we are past his “sky is falling” animated rain predictions, I am perturbed by his almost daily display of angst and worries about clouds, fog, drizzle: The typical May-to-June weather pattern. I fall far short of his expertise in weather or meteorology. I do recall that this region of California has its weather influenced by the Pacific Maritime weather system. In fact, the maritime region from Santa Barbara north is often referred to as the “graveyard of the Pacific.” This is due to the surplus of maritime wrecks that were cause by the reduced visibility from these frequent fogs. These fogs have been here for thousands of years. Why does he act surprised or worried when Mother Nature acts normal?

Myself, I welcome any clouds, fog, and drizzle. We are in a record drought. Clouds, fog, and cooler temperatures reduce evaporation from water sources. The need for irrigation is also reduced. The need for air-conditioning is reduced. Lakes experience less evaporation, and they are dismally low. I could go on. I see a plethora of benefits. Hovde wants his “endless summer.” I think that he should rethink his dream and welcome any/all respite from an endless baking sunshine. The fact that south of San Francisco we did not see the relief from El Niño should temper his fog disdain. Relish any fog. The majestic redwoods north of us would not survive without summer fog. Let’s take any moisture, clouds, reduced heat/sunshine as a gift from the gods.

-- Robert Sonek - Atascadero

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