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Dune drivers don't pollute 


Witnessing OHV debates across the West led me to think I’d heard it all but I was stunned by Lucia Casalinuovo’s depraved lack of sympathy in respect to China’s brutal subjugation of Tibet  (“Clear the beach,” March 26) because she is angry about an OHV park and a nesting area, which is protected in season. 
     Exploding like a “mushroom cloud” because of real or imagined OHV emissions will be a warm-up to Casalinuovo going supernova upon discovering she is raising her children near an area that experiences extensive farm-related emissions and semi-truck traffic in addition to the use of farming chemicals and perhaps, pesticides.
    The Tribune reported that there is no proof that OHV use in Oceano is responsible for the pollution experienced in the Nipomo Mesa area. However “murderous” “so called” OHV recreation may be, in the larger scheme of things OHV activity is considerably less murderous than one’s choice of location to raise children. Undoubtedly Casalinuovo’s children will survive this murderous environmental morass. Perhaps then she will call for the farms and dunes to close so her children will have space to build homes on.

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