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Did the deputy look the other way? 

Santa Maria

I applaud the Arroyo Grande police for not following the good-old-boy double standard when they arrested SLO County deputy sheriff Lesperance (“Sheriff’s deputy charged with DUI,” Sept. 24). Unfortunately, Lesperance used poor judgment by getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. But the police followed the oath they took to uphold the law. 

I found it interesting that deputy Lesperance allegedly stood by and watched as his two friends allegedly assaulted people and then drove them away from the scene. Isn't that aiding and abetting? I think the police might want to rethink their position on deputy Lesperance's "non involvement" in the assault and battery incident. I hope the sheriff's internal investigation will take this into account.

Why didn't Deputy Lesperance make an arrest after witnessing the assault? Isn't it his duty to stop crime or is it OK not to if the perpetrators are his friends.

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