Aaron Gomez 
Member since Feb 14, 2019


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Re: “The biggest problem

I thoroughly appreciate the passion and dedication that Becky Jorgensen brings to this issue. Her tireless work is a large benefit to our County. I do believe that her representation of SLO City and our priorities is not accurate. For anyone who saw or participated in the Major City Goal process they know that "homelessness" was a large topic of discussion. It actually resulted in the issue being folded in to our Housing goals. Here are the Major City Goals for San Luis Obispo that were just adopted for 2019-2021:

Housing: Facilitate the production of housing with an update of the Housing Element, including an emphasis on affordable housing (including unhoused people) and workforce housing through the lens of climate action and regionalism.

Fiscal Sustainability and Responsibility: Continue to implement the Citys Fiscal Responsibility Philosophy with a focus on efficiencies, strategic economic development, unfunded liabilities, and infrastructure financing (Funding the Future).

Sustainable Transportation: Enhance accessible regional transit, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility to promote a transition to a car-free or shared-car lifestyle and to reduce greenhouse gases.

Climate Action: In response to the climate crisis, continue to update and implement the Climate Action Plan for carbon neutrality, including preservation and enhancement of our open space and urban forest and planning for resilience.

Downtown Vitality: Support the economic and cultural heart of the City with attention to safety, maintenance, infrastructure, and amenities.


3 likes, 4 dislikes
Posted by Aaron Gomez on 02/14/2019 at 2:38 PM

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