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Who was your most influential teacher? 

Monique Raby

Monique Raby

teacher’s assistant, preschool special education

“Mr. Ward. He opened my mind to new ways of expression and helped me learn how to get published.”

Brandon Oakley

Brandon Oakley

construction worker

“Ms. K. Bartley, my English teacher at Cuesta College. She is genuine; she cared about my future.”

Raymond Graves

Raymond Graves

retired telecommunications representative

“In college, Professor Brickhouse, who taught math; but it was his philosophy, not the subject: He urged me to explore the world and learn everything I can. I’m still endeavoring to learn new things at age 72.”

Meridith Sherwin

Meridith Sherwin

registered nurse

“My fourth-grade teacher, Ms. Lovewell, because she encouraged creativity, especially in writing, literature, and the arts. She was a cellist and in her footsteps one of my sons plays the cello, another the violin, and my daughter plays the piano. They all perform in symphonies.”


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