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What cartoon character do you identify with the most? 

Erick Newman

Erick Newman

retired, San Luis Obispo

“Actually, I don’t identify with any cartoon character. I’m more into science than cartoons.”

Alison Cebulla

Alison Cebulla

marketing, Grover Beach

“Captain Planet, because he fights to save the environment!”

Scott Manor

Scott Manor

PHD student, Edinburgh, Scotland

“I would probably have to say Dilbert, because I work in a room with a bunch of cubicles and a bunch of boring people.”

Gail Trace

Gail Trace

organic avocado grower, Morro Bay

“Well, I guess I didn’t really identify with any of the cartoon characters growing up. I thought they all were kind of silly and a joke. Not that I didn’t want to have fun, but no one in particular.”


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