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Terrorism threat challenged again 

Local nuclear power watchdogs Mothers for Peace have joined Public Citizen in an appeal of yet another ruling on the vulnerability of nuclear plants to terrorist attacks.

Oral arguments for the latest appeal were made to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Nov. 17. Mothers for Peace and Public Citizen argued that a recent Nuclear Regulatory Commission ruling leaves nuclear power plants open to air attacks. They told the court that the NRC ruling is arbitrary, capricious, and contradicts congressional orders to protect against terrorism.

Morgan Rafferty, project manager for Mothers for Peace, said there should be more analysis of how vulnerable plants are to attacks as well as requirements for better physical protection for the structures.

“We’re not saying that we want anti-aircraft missiles on site,” she told New Times.

Mothers for Peace may also challenge another NRC decision that allowed the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant to store spent fuel in onsite storage casks. Mothers for Peace spokespersons said an appeal is still on the table while they work with an attorney.

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