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We’re open: Wineries, restaurants, bars, and other adult-beverage makers are now open for your business. We talk about it in this year’s Food & Drink issue 

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Even though it seems as if we're heading down the road back to normalcy, "normal" is going to look very different than we're used to—at least for the time being. But, to look on the bright side, there will be more outdoor seating at your favorite dine and drink establishments, and they will also be extra sanitary! The best part, however, is being able to gather together and interact with other humans again. For this year's Food & Drink issue, we've gathered together a variety of stories to show you what you can expect if you head out, downtown or around town. 

Find out more by reading about how Central Coast cities are adjusting their rules for outdoor dining to help restaurants serve more socially distanced customers, a secret Detroit-style pizza-making operation, a new facility in Nipomo that will help citrus growers and Cal Poly students; and one restaurant that waited a little longer than the rest to open. Δ

Reach any of the New Times' and Sun staff writers through the editor at [email protected].


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