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Carter withdraws from mayor race 

In a surprise move, San Luis Obispo City Councilman Andrew Carter announced July 24 that he’s withdrawing from the race for city mayor.

“I have decided to discontinue my campaign for mayor of San Luis Obispo,” Carter said in a written statement. “Although it is an honor to serve on the City Council, that service comes at great personal and financial cost to my family and me. Continuing to run for mayor and being elected mayor would only add to that cost. I apologize for making this decision so late in the campaign process.”

Carter—known as the number cruncher on the council—told New Times, “I’m not the type of guy to do things halfway, and it’s a huge commitment of time for any councilperson.”

A position on the council pays roughly $11,000 per year.

Carter added that though he “never says never,” he doesn’t foresee a mayoral run in two years when he’ll term out of the council.

His exit leaves incumbent mayor Jan Marx unchallenged, according to the city clerk’s office. The filing deadline for the Nov. 6 election is Aug. 10.

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