New Times San Luis Obispo

Board of Supervisors needs to change county campaign finance rules

Feb 2, 2023 4:00 AM

The League of Women Voters commends the SLO County Board of Supervisors for its decision to revisit the ordinance capping individual campaign contributions to candidates for countywide offices at $25,000. We urge the board to do the sensible thing and revert to the state limit of $4,900.

The League, together with 700 other individuals and organizations, strenuously opposed this ordinance when it was proposed. Large contributions from individuals and corporations, and dark money from PACs that are not required to disclose their donors, distort our political process and undermine fair representation. They contribute to public mistrust of government institutions and to voter apathy. Why bother to vote when elected officials can be bought and are in the pocket of special interests?

The League of Women Voters, both nationally and locally, seeks to ensure that candidates are elected based on their positions and their qualifications to serve and not on how much money they can raise. We are dedicated, through our work in voter education, to empowering individuals and communities over organizations, corporations, and special interests.

Cindy Marie Absey


League of Women Voters

San Luis Obispo County