New Times San Luis Obispo

American Nightmare

Anna Starkey Feb 1, 2024 4:00 AM
Photo Courtesy Of Netflix
WAKING NIGHTMARE When Aaron Quinn calls the police with an incredible story of his girlfriend, Denise Huskins, being kidnapped, police are suspicious, and things keep getting weirder, in the Netflix docuseries American Nightmare.

What's it rated? TV-MA

When? 2024

Where's it showing? Netflix

Following the kidnapping of Denise Huskins in 2015, investigators and the media won't buy her boyfriend Aaron Quinn's story—that the two were woken in the middle of the night, drugged, and blindfolded, and Denise was taken away. This three-part docuseries on Netflix walks us through Aaron's story as told by the man himself, the people who believed him, and the ones who didn't.

The seemingly bizarre series of events came the year after Gone Girl hit the big screen, and police and the media couldn't stop themselves from making comparisons. Was this a plot by Denise and Aaron to gain attention? Was Denise trying to seek revenge on Aaron who had recently been reaching out to an ex? The real story is stranger than any fiction, but one thing never changes: Aaron's insistence about what transpired and his tireless search to find Denise.

Later in the series we're able to hear from Denise herself and watch as the truth falls into place. Who took Denise and why? Will the two ever be believed? Fans of true crime will find this a bingeable wild ride, a story where the reality of the situation is even stranger than you can imagine. (three approximately 45-min. episodes) Δ