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PACIFIC HORIZON CHORUS offers a series of free singing lessons to women. Sessions are every Tuesday from 7-8:30 p.m. in room J4 of the San Luis Coastal Adult School, 1500 Lizzie St., SLO. Participants have the opportunity to sing in an upcoming performance. Info: [email protected].

ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY CHORUS meets every Tuesday, 6:30-9:30 p.m., in Room 150 at Arroyo Grande High School. Open to high school age and older. Info: 489-1814.

CENTRAL COAST CELEBRATION CHORUS, a chapter of Sweet Adelines, invites any woman who wants to sing to any of its 7 p.m. Monday rehearsals at the SLO Grange Hall at 2880 Broad St., SLO. The chorus sings for local community functions, and competes regionally; the singing is four-part a cappella. Info: 239-4417.

SAN LUIS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA is seeking experienced string players. This all-volunteer group meets every Wednesday evening in SLO and regularly presents concerts. Info: 528-5234 or 931-0844.

SLO COUNTY BAND invites area musicians - adults and youths both - to audition. Clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, percussion and marimba players are especially welcome. The band, celebrating its 126th year, rehearses every Thurs. from 7-9 p.m. at Hawthorne School, 2125 Story St., SLO. Info: 543-5691.

GOLD COAST CHORUS invites men of all ages who want to sing barbershop-style in four-part harmony to come to a rehearsal any Mon. at 7 p.m. at the SLO Adult School, 1530 Lizzie St., Room 1572-D, SLO. Info: Bill, 543-2265, or see

THE CENTRAL CITY CHORDSMEN sing barbershop harmony every Tues. at 7 p.m. at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, corner of Bradley and Patterson, Orcutt. Men interested in joining are invited to attend. Info: 934-3232.

THE CEMETARY CLUB, a touching play about life after the death of a spouse, opens Sept. 24 at the Paso Robles' Classic American Theatre. Tickets are $20 for general audiences and $15 for students and seniors. Info: 238-3859.

QUILTERS, the acclaimed musical, runs through Sept. 24 with the PCPA Theaterfest in Santa Maria. Info: 928-7731, ext. 4100.

STEEL MAGNOLIAS returns to the Pewter Plough Playhouse in Cambria for three weeks, starting Sept. 24. It features the same cast that broke PPP box office records during its original run earlier in summer. Shows are Fridays and Saturdays and 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. Tickets are $15 or $13 for students and seniors. Info: 927-3877.

THE WORLD OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN opens Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. at the Clark Center. An Open House is 1-5 p.m. Info: 489-4196.

THE BEST MAN, a political play by Gore Vidal, makes its SLO Little Theatre premiere on Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. Tickets available at the door for a donation. Info: 781-3889.

THE RUSSIAN SEASONS DANCE COMPANY comes to the Christopher Cohan Center in SLO Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m. They specialize in folk dances of many nations. Info: 773-4173.

ANNIE comes to the SLO Little Theatre through Oct. 10.

Tickets are $17, $15 for students and seniors. Info: 781-3889.

COMEDY UNDERGROUND is every Thursday at Mr. Rick's in Avila at 8 p.m. Features Myk Powell and other locals. $10 cover. Info: 489-3875.

COMEDY NIGHT is every Saturday at the SLO Grange Hall, 2880 Broad St. at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door.

ANOTHER ADDAMS FAMILY MYSTERY, an interactive murder mystery dinner event, plays at the Spyglass Inn Restaurant in Shell Beach. Shows are 7 p.m. on Fridays and 5 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets are $48.95 and include dinner, dessert, show, tax, and gratuities. Info: 489-3875.



LIVING STONES, the Cal Poly Theatre and Dance Department's fall show, holds auditions Sept. 23-24 from 7-10 p.m. in the Cal Poly Davidson Music Building, Room 212. The show features stylized movement, masks, sign language, visuals, and innovative staging. Info: 541-5431.

THE SLO LITTLE THEATRE seeks actors for their January production for "Sylvia." Auditions are Sept. 27-28 at Grace Church in SLO. Info: 781-3889.

BALLROOM DANCING offered by the city of Atascadero through Oct.4. Lessons will cover swing, fox trot, waltz, and Latin dancing. Cost is $30 for residents, $33 for non-residents; special couples rates available. Info: 461-5000.

39 PLUS DANCE CLUB meets each Wednesday at the Morro Bay Veterans' Hall. Bring a sack lunch. Next dances: Oct. 6, 13, 20, and 27. Info: 528-1924.

TENT CITY ACTING CLASS is offered by the Atascadero Dept. of Community Services Thursdays through Oct. 14 from 6-8 p.m. Costs are $10 for residents, $25 for entire resident families, $11 for non-residents, and $27.50 for non-resident families. Info: 461-5000.

MORRO BAY BALLROOM DANCERS hold dancing the third Sunday of every month at the Morro Bay Community Center. Next dance is Oct. 17. Admission is $5. Info: 528-1924.

ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY CHORUS meets every Tuesday at Arroyo Grande High School at 6:30 p.m. All voices welcome; high school ages and up. Info: 489-1814

THE PISMO BEACH RECREATION DIVISION offers a variety of dance classes, from Hula/Ori to tap. Info: 773-7063.

TRIBAL-STYLE BELLYDANCE TROUPE is adding new members. ATS, FCBD, and Gypsy Caravan Style are performed. Info: 929-5471.

FLAMENCO DANCE CLASS every Monday and Wednesday at the Pismo Beach Veteran's Hall. Cost is $9 per class paid monthly or $11 drop-in fee. Info: 773-7063.

FREE BELLY DANCE CLASS every Monday in July at 7:30 p.m. at the American Dance Studio, 2074 Parker St., SLO. Info: 543-9955.

CENTRAL COAST CELEBRATION CHORUS meets at 6:55 p.m. every Monday in the SLO Grange Hall, 2880 Broad St. Women who love to sing are invited to rehearsals. Info: 239-4417.

TAI CHI CHUAN CLASS runs Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Pismo Beach Veteran's Hall. Times are 5:30-6:30 p.m. for continuing students and 5:30-7 p.m. for beginning students. Cost is $60 per month. Info: 773-7049.

MURDER IN MIND PRODUCTIONS is auditioning for stand-up comedians for their comedy night shows. Auditions are by appointment only. Some pay. Info: 489-3875.

MOTHER TONGUE, a feminist readers' theater that has been active on the Central Coast for eight years, invites writers and performers to become part of the group. The group meet regularly to exchange prose writings, poems, songs and journal entries that are shaped into scripts. Info: 528-6827 or 543-2237.

STAND-UP COMEDIANS are needed for a comedy club in SLO. Info: 543-0639.

PACIFIC LIGHT OPERA is looking for directors, choreographers, set and costume designers, singing actors, and chorus people for upcoming shows. Info:

VOICE-OVER WORKSHOP teaches the basics of copy interpretation, microphone technique, taking direction, and understanding the audition process. Class meets Saturday mornings and Monday evenings at Westside Studios in Oceano. Info: 481-8759.

MALE DANCERS are wanted to complement the Central Coast Follies Dance Troupe. Info: 543-9452.

CENTRAL COAST FOLLIES offers experienced and wannabe dancers, singers, and other entertainers an opportunity to perform. It meets at 11:15 a.m. Wednesdays, at the Moose Lodge in Pismo Beach. Info: 543-9452.

PEWTER PLOUGH PLAYHOUSE seeks actors, directors, backstage volunteers, box office assistants, stage managers, light and sound techs, and publicity volunteers to join the fun and help put on plays at the theatre in Cambria. Info: 927-3877.

ACTING UNLIMITED offers acting classes for all ages and levels with emphasis on stage, film, commercials, and auditioning. Info: 489-1371.

ACTORS NEEDED to do comedy skits for a Baldspot Theatre cable show. Meetings are at 7 p.m. Thursdays in Arroyo Grande. Info: Bruce, 434-2559.

SANTA MARIA IMPROV TEAM (S.M.I.T) welcomes anyone 18 and older to practice improvisational skits with them every Monday at 7 p.m. Info: Michael, 474-8945.

COMEDIANS and self-contained acts are needed for a weekly comedy club at 2880 Broad St., SLO. Meet at 10 a.m. every Saturday. Info: 543-0639.

VAUDEVILLE VARIETIES is casting a high-energy master of ceremonies and self-contained variety acts for a monthly variety special. Meet at 6 p.m. every Tuesday at the Grange Hall, 2880 Broad St., SLO. Info: 528-1410.

READERS THEATER GROUP meets at 6 p.m. every Thurs. at the Grange Hall, 2880 Broad St., SLO, sponsored by Central Coast Players. No experience necessary. Info: 528-1410.

SHOWTIME A GO-GO is looking for entertainers. They meet every Monday at 6:30 p.m. to develop skills and perform in convalescent homes. Info: 481-7084 or 922-1777.

SLO FOLLIES, a group following the style of Ziegfeld Follies, is expanding. The dance ensemble entertains at birthday parties, social and civil organizations, and more. Info: Emily, 543-9452.

SANTA MARIA THEATRE SPORTS invites beginning and advanced players to their improvisational comedy workshops Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. No experience needed. Cost is $2 per workshop. Info: Lisa, 934-4228.



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