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Helping hands and horses

Partners in Equestrian Therapy (PET) is a local nonprofit group that provides therapeutic horseback riding to people with mental and physical disabilities. On April 17, they'll hold a new- and used-tack sale and raffle as a fund-raiser.

PET instructor and fund-raiser Joy Walter called the therapy "hippotherapy" and said it's designed to use the motion of the horse to help develop muscles. It also improves coordination, range of motion, and communication skills.

"Plus it gives children that don't have the ability to walk freedom," she said. "They get to get out and move around and feel like they're walking. Their body motion is rocking as if they were walking."

The 12-year-old program has a 50-50 mix of adults and children and uses both horses and Norwegian Fjord Ponies. Walter described the ponies as stocky, sturdy, and built for stamina.

"They also have wonderful personalities. They're very docile, gentle animals. That's why we use them," Walter said. "They're sturdy for our bigger, heavier disabled adults but they're so gentle that we can throw Hula-Hoops around their necks."

"We're always looking for people that want to donate their time or donate a horse or donate a horse trailer or money or whatever to keep it going. Because it's all funded by donations and volunteers," she continued.

The group is also looking for donations to be used as raffle prizes such as saddles, boots, chaps, and farm supplies. Donations are tax deductible and donors will receive free advertising at the event, held at the Grange Hall, on Broad Street in San Luis Obispo. For information, call 431-3283.



The Cliffs Resort in Shell Beach is jumping on the retro-games bandwagon with its "Bunko By the Beach" package. The package includes a game room, tables, chairs, score sheets, a bell, snacks to fuel the 12-person game, and six rooms with two queen-size beds all for $900 for a group of 12. For more information, or to make a reservation, call (800) 826-5838 or log on to ...

... Sixty-year-old Anna Lee is leaving for Nepal on April 29 to volunteer for two months with a grassroots women's organization, the Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO). This organization seeks to support Nepalese women in their struggle for a better life for themselves and their children. Although many Nepalese women are self-employed, access to knowledge, skills, resources, opportunities, and power remains low. Upon her return to the United States, Lee will become the Jagriti Ambassador; she welcomes guest speaker opportunities at community organizations. Additionally, she will be writing a journal that will be published on the Jagriti web site,, under "volunteer." To contact Anna Lee, e-mail her at [email protected], or call 481-0610. .

... Anthology, a store that offers a mix of vintage home furnishings and gifts, recently opened in San Luis Obispo. Anthology is located on 714 Higuera St. next door to Ambiance. For more information, call 546-8641. ...

... ECOSLO and SLO GE Free will sponsor a showing of the video "Food for Thought" on April 19. The event will include three speakers who will address concerns about genetically engineered crops. Additionally, a proposed ballot initiative-the "County Ordinance Prohibiting the Growing of Genetically Engineered Organisms"-will be discussed at the lecture. The event will take place at the San Luis Obispo City Library, 995 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, at 7 p.m. For more information, call Teresa Campbell at 927-0714, or
e-mail her at [email protected]. ³


Staff Writer Abraham Hyatt and intern Julia Mowry compiled this week's Strokes & Plugs. E-mail suggestions to [email protected].


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