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Best of 2001
Meet SLO County's All-Stars

Each year, our Best of SLO County issue is treated as an event equal to Christmas or a birthday. People can't wait to find out who was voted Best, and why. They want to see if their favorites made the list, and read the results for clues as to where they might eat, shop, or visit next.

Maybe part of the reason for the issue's popularity is the fact that Best of SLO County is one of the few places the community can really help others shine by voting for the people and businesses that make this such a great place to call home. It's also a chance to give unsung heroes credit for making our brightening our lives. That's one of the reasons we’ve chosen to call this year's winners All-Stars–because they shine above the ordinary. In the next 80 pages, you'll read what drives them to succeed and what sets them apart. You'll learn about past stars, meet ordinary people who have done extraordinary things, and find out how Best of SLO County has become such a popular tradition over the last 15 years. You newcomers will gain a insight into what this Best of SLO County thing is all about.

We thank everyone–winners, writers, editors, designers, and advertisers–for making this issue so special. And a special thank you goes to our readers, who are superstars in their own right–for without them, none of this would happen!

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