Steve Scarich 
Member since Jan 6, 2018


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Re: “OCSD candidate addresses 1999 felony embezzlement conviction

I'm all for giving people a second chance. But, if you read similar accounts of insider embezzlement cases, the perp frequently did it before.

15 likes, 10 dislikes
Posted by Steve Scarich on 10/08/2020 at 8:37 AM

Re: “Undetected: Reports of child abuse have decreased since the pandemic started, but that's not necessarily a good thing

Very strange thinking by the reporter. Saying that it is an improvement when abuse reports go up. That is just a baffling statement. The increase in numbers might mean absolutely nothing in regards to how much abuse is actually occuring. Surely, much reporting by mandatory reporters is CYA, nothing more. What really matters is how much actual abuse is proved.

4 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Steve Scarich on 10/08/2020 at 8:34 AM

Re: “Fox misinformation is a threat to public health

The writer might be correct about Fox misinformation, but the Internet is now full of it. Nobody 'believes' Fox any more than they believe MSNBC. If you are not a total information skeptic by now, you are living in a bubble.

39 likes, 10 dislikes
Posted by Steve Scarich on 05/07/2020 at 9:42 AM

Re: “SLO County supervisors' hemp ordinance gets blowback

Yes, a bit heavy-handed, but the whole push towards hemp grows and their effect on other agriculture needs to be studied before proceeding. Impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.

7 likes, 20 dislikes
Posted by Steve Scarich on 05/07/2020 at 9:40 AM

Re: “With some paid less than $1 per hour, SLO County seeks to improve job options for adults with disabilities

My small experience with sub-minimum wage. I worked in a bicycle shop. Every summer we would hire two or three high school kids to stock shelves, sweep, tidy up. We didn't really 'need' them, but it was more of an internship/summer income type of thing. We paid them about 2/3 of minimum wage. They were as happy as clams. Then the State banished sub-minimum wage jobs, also the employment of 16-year olds. Result: no more jobs for kids in the summer. One thing that is happening right now, is that farmers and ranchers have put their kids to work during the pandemic. They are paying them well for jobs that are technically illegal for teenagers. But the farmers and ranchers are essentially saying screw you to the government, we need to run our business, and Mexicans are not crossing the border to work here, due to corona virus issues and/or the general dsyfunction of our border policies. btw I have not heard of a single farmer or rancher being busted by the State this year.

Posted by Steve Scarich on 04/09/2020 at 9:29 AM

Re: “Cambria landowners file petition and complaint against SLO County, CCSD

Good luck with a petition. I went through this exact same scenario back in the late 70's in Lake Tahoe. We had seven lots, graded, ready to build spec houses, all of our money tied up, plus bank loans. Then the Tahoe Basin agency responsble for water clarity determined that there was an emerging danger of the Lake becoming cloudy. All sewer permits were stopped for two years. We went out of business, lost everything. There was no legal recourse back then. Maybe laws have changed but don't hold your breath. You have no 'right' to a building or sewer permit. Local entities have the authority to determined when, and if, you are granted a permit. Now, if the landowners can prove that the laws were not properly followed, that is another thing.

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Posted by Steve Scarich on 04/09/2020 at 9:21 AM

Re: “Translating the crisis: A handful of sign language interpreters help local public officials get the pandemic message out

I'm surprised that the reporter did not ask the interpreters why they still use signs that touch their faces? It is weird to see someone signing 'don't touch your face', while touching their face. I would think they would have worked out an alternative.

2 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Steve Scarich on 04/09/2020 at 9:15 AM

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