Member since Jun 13, 2017


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Re: “There's always an asterisk, a 'but,' and 'context'

Billy, sadly you are misinformed. There is no systematic starvation, execution, rape or torture. Yes, these atrocities happen and are isolated cases as with any country, prison etc. What you wont find from Israel is systematic pre-meditated terrorism like Hamas and other Palestinians participated in and continue to perpetuate. We dont vandalize schools or physically hurt people in the US because of their religion or beliefs, we dont teach our children to bully others, nor do we pick a fight and then run back and ask or a cease-fire. What we teach to our children and have done as a Jewish community is march with BLM, stand with MLK, fight for LGBTQ+ rights, the list goes on and on. Sadly, those groups have turned their backs on us.

7 likes, 10 dislikes
Posted by sean.margalit 2 on 03/07/2024 at 1:34 PM

Re: “There's always an asterisk, a 'but,' and 'context'

Billy, sadly you are misinformed. There is no systematic starvation, execution, rape or torture. Yes, these atrocities happen and are isolated cases as with any country, prison etc. What you wont find from Israel is systematic pre-meditated terrorism like Hamas and other Palestinians participated in and continue to perpetuate. We dont vandalize schools or physically hurt people in the US because of their religion or beliefs, we dont teach our children to bully others, nor do we pick a fight and then run back and ask or a cease-fire. What we did, and some may call a mistake, is march with BLM, stand with MLK, fight for LGBTQ+ rights, the list goes on and on. Sadly, those groups have turned their backs on us.

15 likes, 12 dislikes
Posted by sean.margalit 2 on 03/07/2024 at 1:03 PM

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