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Please do run for office, women! 

The editors blew the strength of Heidi Harmon’s exhortations in her opinion piece in last week’s New Times because of the misplaced comma in the last line (“Run like a girl,” Feb. 19). The last line should be “You should run for office, and when you do, run like a girl!”

However, I could figure out what she meant because the rest of her commentary is so right on and clear as to what women have been facing since the end of World War II when we were told to go back to the kitchen. Back then, we protested for equal pay for equal work; for accessible, affordable day-care facilities; and for more attention to be paid to the serious crimes against women—rape, domestic violence, sexual assaults—and for the more subtle forms of discrimination. And, unfortunately, we’re still protesting and fighting for those same issues.

I am glad to see Heidi take up the struggle. Remember, as Gloria Steinem is famously reported to have said, the personal is political and the political is personal. So, yes, run for office, and support women who do, and speak up about the issues. We all have a stake in how our country treats its women, 
don’t we?

-- Angie King - San Luis Obispo

-- Angie King - San Luis Obispo

Readers Poll

Do you support the local fishermen's decision to sue over wind farms? 

  • Yes! Wind farms have too many environmental impacts.
  • No—we need this wind farm on the Central Coast.
  • Not sure. We need both the fishing industry and renewable energy.
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