Member since Dec 22, 2017


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Re: “Home on the water: One family lives in Port San Luis Harbor but a rent increase is moving them out

You got like Rider ... but when do look in mirror and say I got two kids ... time growup raise kids than go sit on the boat .
I really dont care Rider lives and polutes they bay ( okay I do) but as a dad , dude theyre kids be the dad that provides for his kids .
You want rest of us ,,,to pay your share taxes , ( we pay for port) we pay county services , we pay for schools and you complaining about $200 month while abusing your kids ( its small boat dude and waves do get ugly tied to mooring .
Merry holidays

2 likes, 34 dislikes
Posted by MICHEAL KIDD on 12/22/2017 at 5:59 PM

Re: “SLO hones in on strategies to address pension shortfall

How about going bankrupt , okay not going happen . But would be the solution in the private sector , you weren't fiscally responsible and you failed ,
But you cant pass along your failure to the public you suspose to serve? Okay you wont do that , than time make hard choices ,,,

First , stop all pensions now , existing and new ones , go 4o1 k route city matches
Employee contribution ... now thats a long term fix ... we then City, county ,state , never could afford these pensions , so we have to have the courage to draw line in the sand , and say we honestly cant afford it ( you dont want us go bankruptcy ) but we will match employees reasonable contribution ... that solves long term

Second short term fix
Raising taxes on someone else always a lot less painful than whats necessary ,
But in real world we would lay off staff until we paid shortfall . That stops some problem , But That would be admitting we screwed up and we are adult enough to solve problem. We pay off your debt than we talk about brining some folks back until thannwe live with mistakescwe made .

Again , thats what real world would do ... but city county tax more / solution tax everyone else . And than spend more . But just once wouldnt be nice to say we spent the money we never had , now going be adult in room .

6 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by MICHEAL KIDD on 12/22/2017 at 5:40 PM

Re: “Caregiver could lose power of attorney over $78 million lotto winner

Wee bit greedy New sports car and 900 k house
Elder financial abuse is everywhere usually
Relative ... everyone reading this protect yourself from friends and family
Only sign over power attorney to bank or cpa
Never to lawyer or friend or relative
Their fees higher but likely you wont be broke before your gone

Posted by MICHEAL KIDD on 12/22/2017 at 4:55 PM

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