Jean'ne Blackwell 
Member since Oct 2, 2018


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Re: “Arroyo Grande Oil Field poised for future drilling

So the aquifer got exempt? Not a real surprise given the billions of taxpayer dollars going to this industrial special interest group that in turn redirects our own money back to buy politicians to influence these kind of decisions.

But just to be clear. The aquifer exemption is NOT a license to dispose of toxic waste by products manufactured by the oil extraction process. That in fact is an entirely different process that comes under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and codified in the Code of Federal regulations Title 40 Underground injection Control program. Which states quite clearly that not a drop of toxic waste can be disposed of until and when a permit issued by the EPA documents that the Arroyo Grande Oil field has been certified a safe and secure dump site for 10,000 year and is no where near any earth quake fault lines.

Safety is our primary concern and exactly what the UIC Class I certification unequivocally determines according to RCRA. The EPA has never issued such a certification for the Arroyo Grande Oil Fields.

The Arroyo Grande Oil Fields have avoided and escaped certification and licensing for at least 20 years with the help and assistance of our local Governing Board of Supervisors. And for the record the EPA does not approve permits and cannot order us to approve permits to allow the injection of toxic waste into the unincorporated areas of SLO County. Our Board of Supervisors is the lead agency and has sole independent jurisdiction over permitting toxic waste disposal in SLO County.

SLO Planning and Building Code also does not allow the Board of Supervisors to approve any injection of toxic waste into the unincorporated areas of SLO county under Title 20 without complying with all local, State and Federal permits and licensing requirements.

For over 20 years the Arroyo Grande Oil Field has been illegally dumping toxic waste into our back yard without so much as a mother may I. And how is this possible? Simple. Up until now no one has told the Board of Supervisors to do their job and get all the proper and necessary State and Federal permits and safety certification from the operators of the oil field before approving local dumping in our backyard.

So, things have changed. We have changed. We are a much wiser, smarter, braver and extremely well endowed presence assembled and armed to insure that all the is are dotted and the ts crossed before a single drop of unidentified, undisclosed lethal waste water by products are legally disposed of in our backyard or else. The or else is legal consequences for our BOS for issuing permits to unlicensed operators.

Its simple. EPA UIC Class I permit must be submitted to the BOS by the operator before the Board has our permission to legally issue a conditional use permit. We have the law on our side and we are not afraid to use it to secure our future well being.

1 like, 5 dislikes
Posted by Jean'ne Blackwell on 06/02/2019 at 7:50 PM

Re: “How do you feel about Plains All American's plans to replace 123 miles of oil pipeline through SLO, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties?

oh no what is amazing vor is that you think the truth needs to be defended. it speaks for itself.

0 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Jean'ne Blackwell on 02/05/2019 at 10:53 AM

Re: “How do you feel about Plains All American's plans to replace 123 miles of oil pipeline through SLO, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties?

It is hard to counter logic. Then there is babble and that is just funny. still laughing.

0 likes, 2 dislikes
Posted by Jean'ne Blackwell on 02/05/2019 at 9:18 AM

Re: “How do you feel about Plains All American's plans to replace 123 miles of oil pipeline through SLO, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties?

hahahahahhaaha don't make me laugh vor. too late. hahhahahahahahaha

0 likes, 2 dislikes
Posted by Jean'ne Blackwell on 02/04/2019 at 9:33 PM

Re: “How do you feel about Plains All American's plans to replace 123 miles of oil pipeline through SLO, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties?

Who is Plains filing a permit with? Who is going to give them permission despite their criminal record? County? Yes. Thirty-seven miles of that pipeline goes through SLO county and needs the SLO County Board of Supervisors permission. This is simple. Given Plains criminal record here and their association and partnership with globally convicted criminal EXXON, A simple NO is our response.

And even though we do not have to give a reason a good reason is we don't trust them. They don't meet our safety standards, are not persons in good standing and do not meet the financial bonding requirements.

And even though Plains expressed regrets, "I'm sorry that people don't trust our company," Greig said. He said the company is going through a very stringent permitting process and will be reviewed by dozens of agencies. "I would hope that the people would trust those agencies." And to that insincere apology we can simply say, "oh so sorry but NO we don't trust you or the agencies and officials you have lobbied.

Plains and their affiliates and partners have a history and reputation for escaping and avoiding rules and regulations and the agencies they referred to are equally worthless. "Reviewed" just means rules exist but the agencies are not responsible for enforcement. The job of enforcement is so vast so overwhelming that the agencies rely on self regulation. And Plains and Exxon have a history and reputation for missing their self regulated safety reports and data and their word promising to do better is worthless as well. They just continue to pay to play this game. Court imposed fines and penalties for regulation violations are part of their operating cost. They pay the fines and that gives them permission to do it again.

They have done nothing to convince us or show us they changed or turned over a new leaf. So, don't know what Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors is going to do or Kern County Board of Supervisors with their permit application but I would like to say that given our history here in SLO County that permit is dead in the water. And Peschong will have to recuse himself on this one also.

2 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Jean'ne Blackwell on 02/02/2019 at 11:20 AM

Re: “Chevron pours $4 million into fight against Measure G

Saw the ad against Measure G too. Wondered what they were talking about? They keep saying they arent fracking so why are they afraid of a ban on Fracking?

Halliburton invented fracking in cahoots with the US government and Union Carbide who operated the nuclear material division of Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee. Together they concocted an injection method that disposed of billions and billions of gallons of radioactive waste from the post WWII atomic energy program into the subterranean soil followed by a slurry of cement that was suppose to render the toxic waste impermeable and safe for a million years or forever whichever came first. This lie has been in effect for over 50 years.

Forever turned into 25 years and radioactive waste started showing up in rivers and streams and ground water all over Tennessee. So technically fracking is about injection not extraction. And it has been shown that our subterranean soil is already fracked up. Could say it leaks like a sieve with all the fissures and fault lines crisscrossing and meandering all over our backyard.

AGOF has been illegally dumping on average 37,000,000 gallons of toxic radioactive waste water a month for 10 years into the unincorporated areas of SLO County. And technically that is the definition of Fracking. They can say they aren't fracking but we know from past history saying it isn't true doesn't make it true.

So this mnage a trois devised an out of sight out of mind disposal process that went undetected for years. Discovery proved that 'fracking ' was a totally inaccurate, fictitious and fatally flawed process which necessitated Federal Codes to protect air, water and soil that cant be changed by executive order.

To date the economic impact of violations to the dumping of toxic waste at the 11 injection wells cited by the EPA as not in compliance with Federal codes is $163,350,000 in penalties.

Our Board of Supervisors has failed to enforce the shut down of the offending oil wells and collect the penalties which would look pretty darn good in our county coffers right about now. So at this point Sentinel is costing us far more than their tax revenue is paying.

And please offering jobs no one wants is not an offer. Those jobs are not union and industry does not offer health insurance. County picks up all accident claims and it is a very dangerous and accident-prone industry. By investing in oil we are divesting ourselves from a solar industry that is safer, more profitable and employs more people that will be around to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

And another disingenuous fiction is Sentinel calling themselves local gas and oil producers. They are not local. They are a foreign entity and a very very bad tenant that does not care about fugitive releases of hydrogen sulfide and a flair tower that will be burning and emitting suffocating toxic fumes 24/ 7 into our back yard.

While the world is wising up to the unscrupulous antics and tactics of a deranged, noxious, blood sucking industry and banishing it from the face of the earth we are having this conversation with an industry that doesnt give two hoots or a holler about this place we call home and they call a toxic waste dump. The oil field has absolutely nothing to do with supplying local farmers or residents with oil and gas. The crude extracted is asphalt grade.

When they leave in 10 years are they going to take that cesspool of toxic radioactive waste with them? Hell no. That is what fracking is all about. Dump toxic waste in backyards without so much as a mother may I and then high tail it out of town leaving the community with nothing but grief, worry and constant uncertainty of the harmful contaminates and lethal by products that will eventually surface and destroy our lives and livelihoods for generations to come.

But Sentinel you have nothing to worry about because you arent Fracking.

Or are you? Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

10 likes, 6 dislikes
Posted by Jean'ne Blackwell on 10/04/2018 at 11:16 AM

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