clovis dad 
Member since Feb 14, 2019


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Re: “Do you support the local fishermen's decision to sue over wind farms? 

First, since the left will not debate the extent and nature of climate change, the press promotes a completely farcical "climate crisis," and our government is feasting on its growth and power by promoting extreme promotion of the (non existing) "climate crisis," it is impossible to have a legitimate conversation respecting offshore wind generation. No one has put together anything approaching a cost/benefit analysis of offshore wind turbine generation (say, for example, contrasting with an analog cost/benefit analysis of nuclear generation). And to top it off, China is building two coal fired generating plants per week (without scrubbers) while we agonize over an apparent belief that by returning our society to the Stone Age we will somehow all be happier.

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Posted by clovis dad on 04/18/2024 at 1:09 PM

Re: “America doesn't need to start over; it just needs tweaks

Not intending to speak too forcefully, (I'm an "independent") it appears weaponization of our federal agencies to prosecute their political opponents, the amazingly deep censorship provided by the FBI's interference with social media companies both currently and in connection with the last election, prosecution of parents at school board meetings and FBI investigations of Catholic churches, and the attempts by several states to remove a political candidate from the ballot on visibly absurd arguments, suggest it is the current Federal and State administrations which oppose "democracy." I don't intend this to be one sided. It is the nature of governments to expand their power, in any way they can. It is consequently the duty of citizens to contain that growth. Yes, America is a wonderful country, but it will not remain so if we fail to address the growing tyranny of Washington DC. I suspect the greatest support for the "MAGA" movement is from folks who fear our government has become too powerful.

11 likes, 22 dislikes
Posted by clovis dad on 02/08/2024 at 3:25 PM

Re: “Too much is at stake to allow another Trump term

Re: "Too much is at stake to allow another Trump term" shows how remarkably polarized we have become. A majority of voters may want Trump to serve as the next president. It's amazing that a person who doesn't like Trump believes that others should not be allowed vote for him. We have descended into magical thinking and ignorance. This is a "republic," where presumably the interests of the majority are represented in our government. For someone to believe they personally, or a subset of citizens, are entitled to exclude voters from their choice is a clear sign of tyranny. Amazing and disgusting.

You don't have to like Mr. Trump to appreciate that in a free society, others have an equal right to their opinion. Once you decide others do not have that right, you have lost the concept of democracy entirely. And in this case, you might take into consideration that it appears a majority of citizens may prefer Mr. Trump over whomever you would choose.

32 likes, 32 dislikes
Posted by clovis dad on 01/04/2024 at 2:31 PM

Re: “Classical economics breeds greed

Where to start? "Keynesian" economics (for whatever theoretical benefits it might have, and ignoring its failures) has certainly never been practiced in the US. Its thesis is to run government deficits at times of insufficient demand, and run surpluses at times of excess demand. Like every other theory, this one is used by government to run continuous deficits...and never surpluses. Why would that be? Because government gains power by spending money to buy votes. The current administration, at the time of massive pent up demand (created by...often fraudulently diverted...Covid subsidies), deficit spent even more, resulting in massive inflation.

As for "capitalism creating greed," one wonders where the world would be without it. I note that "socialists" seem to favor more money for themselves as often as do "capitalists." "Greed" is simply the behavior of humans always trying to better their condition. The only people who appear free of "greed" are the very young, who aren't yet faced with economic choices, and the very old, whose resources are more than necessary for their remaining lives. Everyone else is "greedy" in that they want more for themselves and their families. And that motivation, since the beginning of time, has caused people to work diligently to better their condition.

In the end, "capitalism" appears to be the most successful economic system for any society, while we have not yet seen a socialist country which has been economically successful. (And, to the extent you raise "Nordic" countries; Denmark has no minimum wage, and all of the Nordic countries have fewer business and employment regulations than those suffered by Americans).

John Goodrich
San Luis Obispo, CA

19 likes, 21 dislikes
Posted by clovis dad on 11/30/2023 at 12:58 PM

Re: “Speak out against bad governance

I was completely ready to agree with the "league of Women Voters" until we got to the expression: "vacancies should be filled by the appointment of a qualified, experienced interim department head." Something has happened in the last 10 years in our society. We've been found that "qualified and experienced" appointed by those in power, often means as incompetent as anyone else, but with good political connections. I think I'd just as soon go with the expense of a special election, as it means less power for the establishment and the possibility of independence from management.

10 likes, 28 dislikes
Posted by clovis dad on 04/14/2022 at 1:00 PM

Re: “Wind across the sanctuary

It's pretty hard to get serious about the climate crisis crowd as long as the environmental movement proposes setting up offshore wind generation stations (which only generate electricity in the afternoon on the California coast) while it has no concern with shutting down nuclear power plants.

When the environmental movement endorses sufficient nuclear power to offset our petroleum based energy resources they can count me a supporter. Until then the "environmentalists" only reflect the immature anger of children who haven't the capacity to analyze reality. "Energy" isn't optional. If you have a new Tesla, and there's insufficient
electricity to charge the battery, you aren't going to live in a successful society; you'll be drifting back to the Stone Age.

And then, of course, there's the carbon based electrical generation system which means someone in Arizona will suffer the CO2 and other pollution required to power your electric car.

It is absurd to promote a system which won't work. One might have noticed that the Chinese are building 43 coal fired power plants this year; sharing the same atmosphere as ours.

12 likes, 11 dislikes
Posted by clovis dad on 04/08/2022 at 4:00 PM

Re: “Los Osos CSD gets permit to drill new well away from ocean

This is very misleading. No new well is going to "slow sea water intrusion." It's going to avoid sea water intrusion for a while by moving away from the ocean. But the continued pumping from the Los Osos (very limited) aquifer, is going to continue sea water intrusion, making the fresh water aquifer ever smaller.

Los Osos has to find a way to recharge its aquifer. That means it has to capture some of the storm water runoff which erodes channels upstream and fills Morro Bay with silt. Capturing that storm water runoff is economic and necessary. The environmentalists who refuse to allow that capture guarantee that one day Los Osos will be in enormous trouble as its aquifer becomes ever more corrupted by sea water intrusion.

5 likes, 4 dislikes
Posted by clovis dad on 03/10/2022 at 8:16 AM

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