Lauren Virginia 
Member since Jan 23, 2020


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Re: “Moms for Liberty to protest mask requirements in schools

History books will soon be teaching our kids of the days when children were granted the opportunity to breath oxygen and have a childhood.

14 likes, 27 dislikes
Posted by Lauren Virginia on 07/15/2021 at 1:40 PM

Re: “Dear New Times Shredder

I am very pleased to see that this side of the debate has been given some space to speak. It gives me faith back in some of our news reporting in this country.

31 likes, 8 dislikes
Posted by Lauren Virginia on 02/06/2020 at 2:24 PM

Re: “Women's March SLO removes Central Coast Health Coalition from event

How dare you tell me which causes I can believe in or not believe in! How dare you decide if a cause is worthy enough for a women’s march. How dare you silence women on a day to advocate for women’s voices! How dare you think you have a say what messages can and can not be heard! You are the flock, you are the system, you are the mess that has caused women to become so pissed off and disgruntled! Maybe the power has gone to your heads! Women need to stand together IF we want to make a difference at all. You have bought into the whole system of discrimination of women to keep us from getting ahead!

5 likes, 4 dislikes
Posted by Lauren Virginia on 01/24/2020 at 10:10 PM

Re: “Get off your soapbox!

The thing is that most of us moms have gone to college, we got our education, we worked/work in careers, the tired old
excuse that we are just "moms" doesn't work anymore! It was a good one while it lasted! I went to college, I got my Bachelor of Science degree, I studied; o-chem, biochem, anatomy/physiology, public health, environmental health, epidemiology, etc. We are not ignorant, we HAVE done our research. We have learned from our own past experiences or from other mothers/fathers.. and we BELIEVE them. We aren't just going to listen to some bought out mostly male western medicine doctor for what is right for OUR children. We make choices for our children, no one else! What the Women's March did was wrong. Not because we are some crazy lunatics that they gave some publicity to. They were wrong, because they decided that they would use force to discriminate against a small group that no one wants to believe. This is why rape culture exists, this is why women have been marginalized. Because no one wanted to believe a message that was uncomfortable for them. I marched with a Trump guy screaming at all of us, my question is this; was he banned from the "permitted" area? Was he asked to leave? Or is it because he was male? Have we not even gotten very far with all this "marching". What is even the point of any of it, if we can't even open a simple SLO park up for ALL the messages from women. Or was there pressure from somewhere else to not have this message be apart of such a Day of "Free" Speech?

47 likes, 15 dislikes
Posted by Lauren Virginia on 01/23/2020 at 1:51 PM

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