Member since Jul 30, 2019


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Re: “#DefundHate: Why we must act

Please excuse me, I didn't intend for that to sound like I'm trying to take away from the issue you're talking about. Though I believe it's related. It's clear that dark and greedy people are running the country right now. And they don't care that they are making anyone else suffer.

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Posted by JK on 10/04/2019 at 1:04 PM

Re: “#DefundHate: Why we must act

"No one should profit from the pain and suffering of others."

I agree.
And so I question why we ever have to pay for health care or why that system is ever able to receive money from people suffering? Why is/was anyone ever allowed to do this at all? Why was it ever accepted? Why am I/we being forced to suffer when we clearly have the intelligence to keep every single human on the planet from suffering? We have resources and knowledge, yet people get to profit from our suffering and pain. It's so sickening and it's a reflection that greed is more accepted than relieving our suffering. What kind of world are we in and why is this acceptable?

3 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Jen Kimble on 10/03/2019 at 8:19 PM

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