Member since Jul 21, 2019


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Re: “Paso says Salinas Riverbed is a public safety emergency

Sick to your stomach huh? Take a second to pause from your one sided rant about your addiction and the problems it caused you and think about what it could of caused people like Lisa who have had their neighborhood over ran with homeless addicts, sexual predators and the mentally ill only to be given the cold shoulder by Paso PD. How comfortable would you feel raising your child with this type of element squatting in your back yard, loitering all day watching you come and go from your house, making drug transactions in your front yard, burning trash and dumping their RV waste onto the ground all the while getting little assistance from authorities.
Just a thought, maybe people like Lisa arent soo heartless as you believe, but rather lived it as you put it, but on the other side.

4 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Lee on 07/21/2019 at 8:02 AM

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