Member since Jul 19, 2019


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Re: “I am undocumented

Dear Ms. de Los Milagros:
I would like to respond to your commentary.

America is a nation of free people, self-governing and prosperous. Thats an ideal, but it has been achievable for scores of millions of people. America is not necessarily a nation of immigrants, but it is definitely a nation of citizens.
As an American resident you are protected by the Rule of Law, but you are also subject to the Rule of Law; just as I am. When I get caught breaking the law, I must face the consequences, just as you must.
If a President fails to abide by or enforce the law, then the rights and liberties of every citizen and every resident, legal or otherwise, are threatened.
Presidents in the past have neglected, intentionally or unintentionally, to enforce Americas immigration laws.
This is a mistake.
This does not make you a criminal, but you are breaking the law, just as I would should I drive intoxicated or shoplift (both of which I did in my youth!).
America is not a hateful or hurtful country. America welcomes all people from all backgrounds, as it should.
I would suggest that you subject yourself to the law. I think you will find that in America the law is applied FAIRLY and MERCIFULLY.
Welcome to America.

Norman Jonah

27 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by ona3pica on 08/29/2019 at 12:50 PM

Re: “We need America back

The America you thought you loved was RUINED BY POLITICS. You and your leftist ilk destroyed it with anti-Americanism at every turn. You told the politicians to do anything they want, and they did; like bringing in 40+ Million illegals to appease their corporate donors and leftist ideology. The America-haters did this, not the Trump movement.

3 likes, 2 dislikes
Posted by ona3pica on 08/17/2019 at 9:08 AM

Re: “What consequences should SLO Police Chief Deanna Cantrell face for forgetting her weapon in a restaurant bathroom?

Heidi Harmon is out of line endorsing a girl who obviously was chosen to be police chief because of the appointee's "sexual orientation" and her "girlhood" (a double-whammie). If her firearm had gotten into the wrong hands (criminals usually steal firearms) it could have been a disaster. Oooooh....but the girl apologized! We can't fire her NOW! What a bunch of frauds run SLO town. If you doubt me, then go look at the atrocities being built at Palm and Morro Sts. and on Broad between Broad and Garden Sts. YEECH!

3 likes, 2 dislikes
Posted by ona3pica on 07/19/2019 at 8:19 PM

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