Member since Apr 26, 2019


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Re: “Build or preserve? A proposed housing development on oak woodland in Nipomo has some SLO County residents applauding and some asking for conservation

Why not put some "affordable" housing properties on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor above the downtown restaurants and other businesses so desperately looking for workers? Think of the money a bus-boy or waitress will save in transportation costs. If you must cut down trees, why not remove some invasive eucalyptus, or build on land already open? Please leave the oaks as they are, we have already lost far too many.

Posted by Steve on 09/01/2023 at 4:02 PM

Re: “Everyone needs to stay 'wide awake'

A semantic quibble: 1/6 was NOT a "riot", it was an "insurrection." An armed mob sent by then President Trump to attack Congress while in session in order to stop the counting of electoral votes. Yes, there were violent "riots" at some BLM demonstrations, although I did not personally witness any rioting at the marches I attended in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara during the summer of 2020.

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Posted by Steve on 03/05/2023 at 3:36 PM

Re: “We must do better

And Serra and his ilk were just the beginning! After annexation by the United States in 1848, California's first governor issued scalp bounties for Native Americans and forced removal from areas with high economic potential. The years following California statehood in 1850 were nothing less than "ethnic cleansing." The treaty ending the war with Mexico extended U.S. citizenship to Mexican residents of California. But, Mexican citizens who were Native American were stripped of their citizenship by U.S. authorities in violation of the treaty and reclassified as "resident aliens". A fate shared by all Native Americans until an Act of Congress in 1924 declared them "U.S. citizens." So, when the Census takers came by in 1850 and 1852, you had to ponder the question, are you "Mexican" or "Indian"? Many Native Americans declared themselves to be "Mexican" in order to have the protections of citizenship.

10 likes, 5 dislikes
Posted by Steve on 07/23/2020 at 2:45 PM

Re: “San Luis Obispo County's bicycle obsession

Why do we even have "bike" lanes? As a legal non-motorized vehicle, bicycles have as much right to surface street traffic lanes as a car. So, just slow down and follow them through traffic as they use any lane they choose, including left turn lanes at lighted intersections. The same goes for horse-drawn conveyances--just don't forget to put a diaper on your old nag.

Posted by Steve on 07/23/2020 at 2:32 PM

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