John Smithson 
Member since Apr 18, 2019


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Re: “Nuclear is the way to go

Molten salt reactors run on thorium is the way to go. The thorium fuel cycle is inherently safe, generating only 1% of the nuclear waste that uranium based power plants produce. There is zero risk of meltdowns because the fuel in MSRs is a liquid not a solid uranium pellet that can melt and spew radioactive material into a high pressure boiler. MSRs ensure that the nuclear fuel is under high temperature but low pressure completely avoiding the risk of meltdowns. Thorium MSRs consume nuclear waste and only need a little bit of fissile material to get started before they can breed all of their own fissile material to fission the new fertile thorium fuels. Thorium is extremely safe to transport, there is no need for uranium enrichment infrastructure which cuts down the risk of weapons proliferation. The nuclear waste and uranium fissile materials produced in the thorium fuel cycle is proliferation resistant and unsuitable for making weapons. We have tons of thorium, far more than we have uranium.

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Posted by John Smithson on 04/18/2019 at 11:26 AM

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