Ortaggio Velenoso 
Member since Dec 14, 2018


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Re: “SLO County strikers demand better pay, flood supervisors meeting

Hello SLO County Supervisors?!! If you think this kind of inequity is going to fly in these times, well, good luck with that. To get an idea of which direction the wind is blowing, take a look at what's happening in France right now with the yellow vests movement. They started out with modest, fair demands that were met with disdain by the government, and now the genie is out of the bottle and the people will no longer be placated by some token concessions. You think this is a localized issue and that the people don't see what's going on?! Think again...long and hard. We working people, everywhere, are tired of politicians lining their pockets, padding their paychecks and feathering their nests at our expense. Through the global communications media we all know what's happening all over the world, in real time, and we all see that the game is increasingly being rigged by those who we have entrusted to run it. It's time for you, SLO County Supervisors, and other politicians to start playing fair or lose it all. At a certain point even honest, hard working people will take to the streets and stop carrying you on our backs. If you had a minimum of integrity you would rescind your own salary increases, or at least reduce them to the 0.5% you seem to think appropriate, and raise the county workers' salaries by the amount you had raised your own pay, or at least to be comparable with other agencies. Shame on you! We are ALL watching and we are no longer going to be silent and passive. You might as well do the right thing, because we, the workers, people who actually get things done in this country, are going to start enforcing a policy of "Play fair or pay the price". Caveat imperium!

7 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Ortaggio Velenoso on 12/14/2018 at 8:18 AM

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