Tony Harris 
Member since Oct 23, 2018

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Re: “Halloween Carnival and Movie Night

Knockerball will be there so arrive early before the lines get too long!

Posted by Tony Harris on 10/25/2019 at 9:50 AM

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Re: “Nothing to see here, move along

"First, you clearly don't believe in democracy when it results in laws you don't like." Huh? Where is it stated that in order to believe in democracy you have to like the laws it produces? I couldn't find that stipulation in the dictionary, the constitution, any legal books or actually anywhere on the internet. Is there one person in this country that likes every single law? Does that mean no one in our country believes in democracy? I have a feeling civil rights leaders would argue they strongly believed in democracy while they practiced civil disobedience trying to change laws they didn't like.

Elected officials are part of our democracy, by this logic if you don't like the President, then you don't believe in democracy. Is The Shredder a Trump fan or does The Shredder not believe in democracy? The people who come here illegally obviously don't like our laws or they would enter the country legally. So that means, by your own logic, illegal immigrants don't believe in democracy, so why would we want them here? When you come out of the gate with such an obvious illogical statement it's hard to take any of it serious. If you don't even have a basic understanding of how a democracy works, why should we listen to anything you have to say about it? And you wonder why people make fun of the left as "those crazy liberals". As someone who's voted democratic since W's second term, the party is moving so far to the extreme it's hardly recognizable and at times it seems the right is becoming the more tolerant party.

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Posted by Tony Harris on 03/26/2019 at 10:36 AM

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