Natalie Risner 1 
Member since Jun 11, 2018

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Re: “Water vapor, greenhouse gases, and global warming

So you don't like Katie stating something that "could allow" contamination in her analysis then maybe you should write a letter to DOGGR the Division of Oil, Gas, Geothermal Resources about their wording when submitting an application to exempt a protected aquifer in SLO County from the Safe Drinking Water Act. As you can read below in quotes DOGGR states "the injected fluid is expected to remain in the area that would be exempted and is not expected to affect the quality of water......" Seems a bit unscientific coming from the state agency whose job it is to protect our groundwater supplies in the state of California.

"Based on consultation as required under Public Resources Code section 3131, the Division and the

Water Boards preliminarily concur that the proposed aquifer exemption area meets the criteria for

exemption under the Code of Federal Regulations, title 40, section 146.4 because it does not currently

serve as a source of drinking water, and it will not serve as a source of drinking water in the future

because the area is currently hydrocarbon producing or is capable of hydrocarbon production. The

Division and the Water Boards also preliminarily concur that the injected fluid is expected to remain in

the area that would be exempted and is not expected to affect the quality of water that is, or may

reasonably be, used for any beneficial use, due to geologic conditions and hydraulic controls."

1 like, 1 dislike
Posted by Natalie Risner 1 on 06/11/2018 at 10:21 PM

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