Eric Goodman. 
Member since May 31, 2018


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Re: “Morro Bay's issues are serious

You're talking about Morro Bay's issues but you refuse to mention all the racism, lack of diversity, and the massive percentage of white people in this area? How can you avoid this issue as one of Morro Bay's most serious issue? Do you stand up for white supremacy? You must be a racist....

3 likes, 4 dislikes
Posted by Eric Goodman. on 11/29/2018 at 11:23 AM

Re: “State Attorney General's Office determines that racially charged incidents at Cal Poly were legal

Hate speech is a form of defense used by white people to protect themselves from non-white people who will degrade their society, as an alternative to violence. If you do not let white people protect themselves with speech, then you are asking for a response of violence, because that will be the only option.

No, the USA is not a "multi-cultural" utopia. It is a White country built by White people for White people. And the more you insist it isn't, the more it degrades into an unlivable third world society. So don't bite the hand that feeds, that being the white hand, the hand that not only feeds you, but gives you a place to exist in.

Start respecting white people. Respect the fact that they have made the best societies that have ever existed, and that is why you, as a non-white, are here in the first place.

It is perfectly acceptable, normal, and healthy form of expression. Hate is a perfectly normal human expression. You are telling white people that they are not allowed to feel a certain emotion. This is beyond tyranny. Yes, we DO hate you. You are destroying our culture, our communities. You tell us we have no identity, when we have a clear history that clearly negates that. Continue to push.

Of course, you will probably delete this comment, because like I said, you do not let white people hold certain expressions or emotions.

4 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Eric Goodman. on 10/04/2018 at 9:28 PM

Re: “A campus divided: Cal Poly attempts to address racial tension

Why does everybody have this default belief that white people must accept and tolerate diversity? Why is diversity a default accepted value? Why does everybody in the world believe they have a right to white people? Why aren't white people allowed to defend and sick up for themselves? Why is it considered immoral for white people to take their own side? I don't understand, can someone please explain this to me?

8 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by Eric Goodman. on 05/31/2018 at 5:34 PM

Re: “A campus divided: Cal Poly attempts to address racial tension

Why does everybody believe that its a default given that white people must accept diversity? Why does everybody in the world believe they have a right to white people? Why aren't white people allowed to stick up and defend themselves? I don't understand, can someone please explain this to me? Is it immoral for white people to take their own side?

8 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by Eric Goodman. on 05/31/2018 at 5:32 PM

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