Natalie Risner 
Member since Apr 27, 2018


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Re: “Would you vote to ban new oil wells and fracking in SLO County?

We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world and we need to protect it. People come from all over to visit our county because of all it has to offer with its diverse landscape and beauty. Our Tourism and Agriculture economies must be protected we should not put them at risk from further expansion of fossil fuel extraction.

The oil being extracted here in SLO county is one of the dirtiest in the world with a very high carbon intensity to extract not to mention refine and transport for further refining before it can be used. Does San Luis Obispo want to continue to contribute to our current climate crisis by extracting this dirty oil? True we do still drive cars and use oil but if we don't begin to move away from our dependence on oil we will be leaving our planet uninhabitable for future generations and that is something we should think about when deciding to approve expanded oil operations.

As citizens of San Luis Obispo County we should choose to move into the future with sustainable energy sources and not support further extraction of one of the dirtiest heavy tar crude oils that pollutes our air and could contaminate our groundwater. Our kids need us to do this as the climate crisis is only going to get worse, in twenty or thirty years when your kids ask you what you did to try to stop the further pollution of our planet, I hope we can tell them our County chose to move away from fossil fuels by not permitting further expansion.

28 likes, 2 dislikes
Posted by Natalie Risner on 05/06/2018 at 9:51 AM

Re: “Arroyo Grande oil field is a net water producer

Net Water Producer? Sending 500,000 gallons of water down the creek each day is something you are proud of? How will continuing at this rate and expanding this rate into the next century going to affect the groundwater supply and surrounding basins that are already being depleted at a rate they are currently unable to recover from?? We do not know because its not something anyone is studying. There is no work or study that will tell us how pulling millions of gallons of water from the Arroyo Grande Oil Field will affect our groundwater supplies we simply do not know. You are conducting a bad experiment with our most precious resource which is the water (not the oil).

"Drought Proof resource" sounds a bit too good to be true and in my experience if it sounds too good to be true it is, too good to be true....... meanwhile the surrounding basins to the north and south of the Price Canyon Oil field must comply to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act due to the fact they are both being depleted at an unsustainable rate.....With every action there is a reaction. Dipping into this magic source of Drought Proof water to be poured down the creek and used to extract the dirtiest crude oil while releasing carbon emissions into our air is irresponsible. Irresponsible to our current and our future generations of residents of SLO county. The oil and water in this field should be left in the ground, how do we know our children or grandchildren will not need it in the future. Water is our most precious resource, now is the time to treat it as precious!!

7 likes, 5 dislikes
Posted by Natalie Risner on 04/27/2018 at 7:31 PM

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