Christopher Arend 
Member since Jan 18, 2018

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Re: “Some Paso residents call for school board member's resignation

The calls for Joel Peterson to resign have absolutely no legal basis. If his opponents want him to leave office before his four year term expires, they can always try a recall. Otherwise they can field a candidate in Area 2 in 2026.

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Posted by Christopher Arend on 02/11/2023 at 9:14 PM

Re: “Mighty white of you, Paso!

This piece on Paso Robles and the resolution to ban CRT shows that Shredder is ignorant about CRT . If you want to understand CRT, read the draft resolution (available online after being published with the agenda for the 22 June meeting in item J.3 -…). Read the operative points in the draft resolution and ask yourself if even just one of the numbered premises and lettered doctrines should be taught to children. For example, should children be taught point e ("An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past or present by other members of the same race or sex.")? Of course not. Any rational person will have the same answer for every other point. Shredder also shows total ignorance about CRT when he argues that banning CRT is in effect whitewashing US history. We have no intention of doing any such thing. That was obvious when we discussed and approved the ethnic studies course on 13 April. Shredder and folks who agree with his position on CRT should at least take the time to learn what CRT is by reading the standard textbook titled "Critical Race Theory" by Delgado and Stefancic. Unfortunately, Shredder and others who praise CRT apparently don't have enough time to do even a minimal amount of study before spouting off.

48 likes, 27 dislikes
Posted by Christopher Arend on 06/26/2021 at 10:03 AM

Re: “Let's close down ski resorts, too

While we're at it. let's ban horse riding. It's more dangerous than skiing, and horses produce vast amounts of methane and other greenhouse gases. It goes without saying, that we should also b an all motorized boating. Sky diving must also be out. After all, the mess when a skydiver hits the ground after the parachute fails to open is much worse than when a skier hits a tree. There are many other outside leisure activities we can ban. Just don't ban my favorite activities. Of course, the best way to fight man-made climate change is simply to eliminate as much of humanity as possible. Any volunteers willing to sacrifice themselves for the sale of the climate?

8 likes, 5 dislikes
Posted by Christopher Arend on 03/27/2021 at 7:24 PM

Re: “We need discussion

The mainstream media (MSM) are the main casualties of the Russia collusion hoax. For more than two years CNN, MSNBC the nightly news on the main TV networks, the NY Times and the Washington Post and their countless "mini-mes" have been promoting the collusion conspiracy a theory. They must have learned their degrees at the Joseph Goebbels School of Journalism based on their sleezy techniques. For example, yesterday evening Maddow play only part of the answer by Barr to the question whether he was suggesting that the Trump Campaign was spied on. She cut off his answer right after he said their was spying, but before he said that the real issue was whether their was a "predicate" for the surveillance. Of course, selective editing and cheap word games are a lot easier and much more suited for propaganda than actually addressing the substance of an issue.

6 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by Christopher Arend on 04/11/2019 at 11:10 AM

Re: “ICE arrested 20-year-old DACA 'dreamer' outside of SLO County Jail, family claims

Shielding an illegal alien from detection by ICE is a felony punishable by up to 5 years for each shielded alien under 8 USC 1324(a). Planning with another person to shield an illegal alien from detection constitutes conspiracy and is punishable by up to 10 years. California law cannot override federal immigration law. Do here's a great idea for illegal aliens to reduce the likelihood of detection and deportation: Don't commit crimes.

7 likes, 0 dislikes
Posted by Christopher Arend on 12/16/2018 at 11:33 AM

Re: “Time to speak out

"Goons from around the County"? I spoke out against Hill at the BoS meeting. I was especially disturbed by Mr. Hill's blanket condemnation of citizens of SLO, including his own supporters, in his Viewpoint published in the Tribune on 5 Jan. Mr. Cuddy displays the same type of aggressive, insulting language that renders attempts at civil discourse a waste of time.

3 likes, 24 dislikes
Posted by Christopher Arend on 01/18/2018 at 8:28 AM

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