Patrick Scott 
Member since Dec 10, 2017

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Re: “Losing Carrizo

In response to North American: You’re fortunate to have a “good” well, most who live here don’t. You’re also right there are no approved grows in California Valley, just the many illegal ones. We have just one aquifer on the Carrizo which we all draw from, County reports show it is in overdraft which is the reason Cal. Valley has never been developed and that most agriculture has been dry farmed. Your well could have a layer of good water on top being pushed up by brackish water from below. The Cannabis farms off Hwy 58 will be using millions of gallons of the limited water we have to survive on. For us it’s a matter of survival, for them it’s a matter of profit.

7 likes, 2 dislikes
Posted by Patrick Scott on 06/25/2020 at 7:48 AM

Re: “This isn't Trump-derangement syndrome

Woah horsey, Victoria you're so far off! Dan's letter is right on and his insights and thoughts reflect the majority of the world's population including the population of this Country. Trump has done NOTHING for this Country except put us in further debt and make us the laughing stock of the world. Stop listening to Fox News and educate yourself. Trump has played more frigging golf than Obama ever dreamed of and YES, TRUMP is a disaster and will be gone within two years and hopefully in prison with his family.

18 likes, 11 dislikes
Posted by Patrick Scott on 01/03/2019 at 9:15 AM

Re: “Cannabis application process 'a war' in SLO County, industry reps say

Lisa Bugrove with Kirk Consulting is quoted as saying that there is "no valid reasoning" in requiring a biological resource analysis for cannabis growers. Lisa, as a consultant you should be aware that the Carrizo Plain, where the majority of cannabis is being grown, whether legally or not, is home to more endangered species than anywhere in the nation, save Hawaii. It also has some of the most sensitive habitat to support these species. That alone is reason enough to require a biological review. Added to that is the lack of water available for ALL life forms. Cannabis cultivation should have been banned in all the Carrizo Planning Area but lacking that control, biological studies and water analysis must be enforced. The State gave exemptions to the Counties in requiring EIR's but that does not extend to the growers. I hope this information helps in your Consulting practice.

6 likes, 4 dislikes
Posted by Patrick Scott on 06/21/2018 at 10:27 AM

Re: “Would you vote to ban new oil wells and fracking in SLO County?


6 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Patrick Scott on 05/06/2018 at 9:42 PM

Re: “A modest proposal

Richard, you're making this up. As Trump would say, it's fake news. "The founders wanted citizens armed with the current best grade of military equivalent weapons. One of their stated purposes was to be able to resist the government". This is not part of 2A. The militia were fighting against the English, the boys on the farm armed themselves with muskets and sabers. As the militia grew into a military force, heavy arms became part of their arsenals. If you're implying that AR15's are going to defeat the modern military and that's what your arming yourselves for, that's a sad commentary on your reality. The 2nd will be amended and if you're not one of those "honest law abiding citizens" then you'll become one of the criminals, but that's your right.

3 likes, 6 dislikes
Posted by Patrick Scott on 04/01/2018 at 11:05 PM

Re: “A modest proposal

Gene Ralno Mr. Veesart is correct in his interpretation of 2A. He is not advocating for it repeal but for sensible control. When 2A was written "arms" were sabers and muskets used in a militia. Constitutional Amendments have been and will be amended to bring them into the light of modern existence and only the ignorant and self serving will argue that point. If you need an AR15 to hunt, find a new hobby.

9 likes, 8 dislikes
Posted by Patrick Scott on 03/29/2018 at 8:41 AM

Re: “Leisurenauts: Three days in Cali's retirement mecca

No one from California, unless you're recently from LA, calls our state Cali. It's like W.Bush calling nuclear "nucular" or calling a realtor "realitor". You say it enough, people begin to think it's a real word.

0 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Patrick Scott on 01/25/2018 at 8:29 AM

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