Joey Racano 
Member since Oct 19, 2017

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Posted by Joey Racano on 07/27/2023 at 7:51 PM

Re: “Energy to think about

Has anybody ever considered taking the plant down? The Morro Bay New Futures committee found many uses for the property, but were completely ignored by the MBCC PG&E lackeys.

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Posted by Joey Racano on 12/27/2018 at 9:33 AM

Re: “Racano got who should apologize to whom wrong

I presented an idea for a regional plan (A-B-C Plan) several years ago and it was dismissed offhand. A regional plan with a water re-use component would have brought in federal funds to help Los Osos, Morro Bay and Cayucos. While many come from a financial standpoint about the MBWWTP, I come from an ecological standpoint. Bad finances aren't destroying the planet, bad environmental stewardship is doing that.

I didn't want to sound mean in my opinion piece, I was just answering a mean letter. And I stand by my position that an ocean outfall is not to be seen as an artificial reef. Try to wrap your heads around this: there are 16,304 wastewater plants in the United States and only two operate with a sewage waiver on the west coast- Morro Bay and San Diego.

Morro Bay, do us a favor, get rid of the waiver. Protect the bay, site your plant away.

*And if you really want to see how bad the situation is in Morro Bay, watch the short film at:


joey racano

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Posted by Joey Racano on 12/07/2018 at 1:21 PM

Re: “Should the Morro Bay City Council remove planning commissioner Richard Sadowski?

Morro Bay continues to dump sewage without full secondary treatment, which was the minimum required 40 years ago! Why is it they want to silence this activist? While I disagree with Mr. Sadowski about where the new sewer should be placed (I say, 'protect the bay, site it away from the ocean), I find the draconioan measures not unlike a witch hunt. Richard has more wastewater cred than 99.9999% of the population- especially the creeps on the MBCC!

Joey Racano, Director
Ocean Outfall Group

7 likes, 0 dislikes
Posted by Joey Racano on 10/19/2017 at 5:29 PM

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