Chris Knudson 
Member since Aug 6, 2017

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Re: “Disgusting deviants

Arnold can't condemn Nazi's and other assorted white supremacists and fascists as they make up a large proportion of the GOP base. Like it or not, as bad as both main parties are, the GOP, and especially the Trump/MAGA crowd, don't have any problem with accepting such deviants into their midst. Racists, misogynists, gun nuts, hatemongers and those who delight in cruelty and selfishness, fascists, Nazi's, that's what the GOP has become. Of course the Democratic Party is just as bad, just in different, more inclusive ways. It's the system. Buckle up, it's going to get worse...

20 likes, 13 dislikes
Posted by Chris Knudson on 08/04/2023 at 11:12 AM

Re: “Ungodly mess

It doesn’t take anything away from a person to be kind to another person, regardless of religious beliefs. Wouldn’t it be something if more of the Christians of today actually followed the Jesus parts of the Bible instead of the fire and brimstone God of the Old Testament? Back when I was a Christian in the early 70’s, WWJD was a big deal. While I have serious doubts that the Jesus of the Bible ever existed, it would probably be a good thing for Christians to actually start prefacing their actions and words with WWJD and stop using their twisted and hateful interpretation of the Bible as a cudgel to force their abhorrent opinions onto others.

23 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by Chris Knudson on 06/02/2023 at 7:52 AM

Re: “Embrace white fear? Nah thanks.

As bad as I feel that both parties are, the MAGA GOP owns these insecure and cowardly racists and many more like them. While they have always been around, Trump gave them permission to do out in the open that which they used to do behind closed doors. Still, one of my biggest complaints is that the GOP, MAGA, Trump, DeSantis et al are so clownishly evil, so obviously obscene, vile and repugnant that they make pointing out how terrible the Democratic Party, Biden, Obama, Clinton et al exponentially more difficult. Both parties play their roles well while the US continues to be the most violent and terrorist nation in the world as well as the least free, most unequal and the least democratic of the top 25 democracies in the world, all while lagging far behind in virtually all indicators of societal well being, happiness, education, health care and infant mortality. The USA continues to burn to the ground while both parties play fiddles...

19 likes, 11 dislikes
Posted by Chris Knudson on 05/25/2023 at 12:48 PM

Re: “Send in the clowns

It's like I always say, Trump and many Republican politicians are so clownishly evil, so obviously vile, repugnant, dishonest and obscene in their actions that they make pointing out how terrible the Democratic Party and their politicians are exponentially more difficult... One thing about it though, regardless of who is in power, the US remains the most violent and terrorist nation in the world as well as being one of the most corrupt, unequal and least free...

34 likes, 11 dislikes
Posted by Chris Knudson on 11/17/2022 at 6:07 AM

Re: “A narrative-based survey of SLO County's homeless residents calls on the public to listen to the individual needs of the unsheltered

The homeless are not the problem, they are a result of the problem. Millions of people in the US are but one paycheck, one illness, one accident, one broken car, and one act of bad luck from becoming homeless. With over 40% of people in the US unable to come up with $400.00 for an emergency, probably shouldn't be surprised to find a family member, friend, or acquaintance in a homeless situation soon.

“Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well- warmed, and well-fed.”

― Herman Melville

22 likes, 10 dislikes
Posted by Chris Knudson on 02/24/2022 at 7:44 AM

Re: “Ray of hope

Imagine being so ashamed of your own history that you don't want it taught to your grand children....

28 likes, 16 dislikes
Posted by Chris Knudson on 09/30/2021 at 7:36 PM

Re: “Nowhere to go

Homelessness isn’t the problem. It is a result of the problem.

45 likes, 11 dislikes
Posted by Chris Knudson on 09/23/2021 at 7:33 AM

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