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Let's take back Christmas 

Arroyo Grande

Over several years now, government, city, and private industries have robbed us of our Christian liberties and the freedom to celebrate Christmas. Removing nativity scenes from public places, referring to Christmas trees as “holiday trees,” Christmas vacation as “winter break,” and excessive use of “Happy Holidays” erode our freedoms to celebrate Christmas as we have for generations.

These freedoms are being taken away in the name of “political correctness” as to not offend others who don’t celebrate Christmas anyway. We do not try to take away their right to celebrate their faith, so why do they expect us to give up ours? We can’t celebrate openly for the few who don’t. It’s minority over majority, not to mention Christian heritage that our country was founded and built upon.

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, salvation for a dying world, eternal life. Hope. Without which, for many, life is meaningless. Christmas is a means to celebrate that hope and a longstanding tradition.

If you aren’t celebrating Christmas then there is no holiday for you on Dec. 25, period. So what are you celebrating? Winter? It doesn’t make any sense. We don’t have holidays to celebrate summer.

So the next time someone says “Happy Holidays” to you, smile, remember Jesus, “the reason for the season,” and without guilt, respond with “Merry Christmas!”

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