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In light of the decreased value of the U.S. dollar, what would you recommend substituting the dollar for, when paying employees? 

Kelly Monighan

Kelly Monighan


“Products or services of the job that cost.”

Corey Kreidler

Corey Kreidler

business owner

“Experience. You guys are getting experience. This will help you in the future. Haha. You are NOT unemployed.”

Ellie Morgan

Ellie Morgan

Cuesta student


Aubrey Hurst

Aubrey Hurst

Bakery worker

“Offering better healthcare and good benefits.”

Readers Poll

What do local college-age students need the most help with?

  • Knowing their rights as renters.
  • Accessing college opportunities in the first place.
  • Writing professional, coherent emails.
  • Finding inclusive spaces on campus.

View Results


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