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Hill's rant wasn't surprising 

I am not shocked by Adam Hill’s remarks in his recent commentary (“The gloves are off,” Jan. 26), about COLAB (Coalition of Labor, Agriculture, and Business) and the new majority on the SLO County Board of Supervisors. Hill is no longer in the super majority after having it for several years: Hill, Bruce Gibson, and Frank Mecham. Hill will constantly find himself frustrated by his inability to manipulate the Board of Supervisors as he did in days gone by. Attacking COLAB’s spokesman, Mike Brown, is a low blow that further exposes Hill’s frustration of not being in control and part of the new board majority.

Adam Hill tends to lash out at others when things don’t go his way. This is typical of Adam Hill’s behavior. Hill may have thought that Dan Carpenter, Hill’s rival, might win the supervisorial seat in District 3. Hill often blames others when things don’t go his way ... just like Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.

I am happy to see our new board majority is looking out for the voters and not big money donors. Thumbs up for John Peschong, Debbie Arnold, and Lynn Compton for standing up to Hill’s tirades.

-- Jeanette Watson - Arroyo Grande

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