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Calling out Trump is an act of patriotism 

I found last week's letter from Ellis Romero ("A warning to Congressional Dems and the irrelevant media," March 21), warning Democrats and the media to stop attacking President Donald Trump, hypocritical.

When you have a president who constantly attacks individuals, calls them names, insults them, belittles and demeans them, or attacks a deceased American hero like John McCain, criticism from Democrats and the media seem pretty insignificant.

As Romero says, the economy is doing well—as it has since Obama restored it—especially if you can afford to invest in the stock market, but there are other issues.

When there is a president who has seemingly relinquished our role as leader of the free world, who caters to dictators and finds them more credible than his own intelligence agencies, when he has surrounded himself with convicted criminals, spewed hateful rhetoric that has inspired so many hate crimes and such violence, weakened our alliances, and constantly lied to the American people, to call him out is patriotism.

Tom Bauer

Morro Bay

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